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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Frozen Yogurt Bars

Summer's coming and what goes better with heat than frozen yogurt. These bars are really easy to make and can be stuck in the freezer until needed. It does take about four hours to freeze, but you don't have to watch em' like cookies in the oven. For the topping, you mix yogurt, preserves, and whipped cream. Then, you pour it over a base of crushed wafer cookies and almonds. How you want to mix and match flavors is completely up to you!

Handmade Chinese Dumplings

In lieu of BBQ footage, here are some handmade Chinese dumplings instead! (Not the same thing, I am aware). The key to successfully making these at home is creating a dough consistency that both cooks easily and doesn't rupture. I'm not quite sure how it's done, but the point is that they are delicious. The unwrapped dumplings can also be made into noodles, which are really good with meat dishes.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Another ice cream post... you can never have too much of it

Although cell phone cameras are not the clearest quality, they do come in handy for me when I go out to icecream and need to photograph my pretty dessert :) The physical appearance of this icecream is very appealing... who would've guessed icecream was so photogenic?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter! (for those who celebrate it)

Easter is my favorite holiday! 
  • Partly because it is close to my birthday, and partly because other people make me tons of desserts and I eat them. 
  • The bunny cake is made every year by my sister, Michelle, and is used as an Easter cake and a birthday cake for my family birthday party. It is made out of yellow cake, whipped cream, licorice, m&m's, and coconut. 
  • The chocolate egg is just one of the candies I got in my Easter basket. I guess even 18 year olds aren't too old for the Easter bunny to come! =D

Monday, April 5, 2010

This sinister omelette is not the exact one I ate this morning, but was certainly very close. Within 30 minutes of consumption, I was puking my brains out, courtesy of my roommates tendency to undercook foods on occasion. I am sorry I missed class yet again, but any mere mortal would be hard pressed to attend class with possible salmonella..

Wings are always good anytime!

This wings from 'Wings over somerville', my favorite wings place.

They have over 20 kinds of wings sauce, everythings are good!

Hamberger steak

Hamberger steak is better than regular hamberger!?
I dont know! but this one is really great.
There are four kinds of sauces, mine was regular one.
Dont forget the sunny side up egg when you order!
The egg makes an incredible change. Try it!
You'll see this restaurent in Porter Squre, in Lesley University building.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another fun way to "go out to dinner"

Sometimes fancy dinners at friends' houses are even more enjoyable than going out to eat at a restaurant (and less expensive). Not to mention it's a good excuse to get dressed up! The picture pretty much explains it all.