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Monday, May 10, 2010

Teppan Yaki!!!

Teppan means iron grill.

Yaki means stir-fry

Teppan yaki is japanese style cooking, chef cooks on the iron grill which is

infront of customer! chef gave us food right away as soon as they make.

I forgot to capture, but they also have a fun performance while cooking!

(something like playing with knives)

the meat is very hot, and juicy because we can it right after it cooked!


I think wasabi is well-known nowadays.
it gives a spicy scent when we eat a sashimi or sushi.
I recommend use wasabi with soysauce(this is usual!).

Inside BBQ!

Difference between American BBQ and Korean BBQ is outside and inside.

There is a special BBQ grill on table if you go Korean restaurent.

the name of Korean restaurents which have BBQ grill is Yasu, and Kaya.

Kaya is closer one near campus, its around porter Sq.

spicy snack!

those white things are rice cake!

those are very chewy! its also good to eat without any cooking.

we call it 'Dduck po ki', it is one of popular korean snack.

Try it!

Garlic Shirimp!

I went to the Spain restaurent.

I didnt know about any Spain food, so my friend ordered everything.

This picture one was the best one, which is garlic shirimp.

Those red things are all garlic, and they put the olive oil.

so shirimp has taste of garlic and olive oil, it was fantastic!


Changsho is chinese restaurent across the street from campus.

This is one of plate that I ate on 'Sunday lunch buffet'.

It is $20, but it worth!

they have whole scallop, huge fried shirimp, dimsums, etc.

I recommend this place!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best food ever.

I've always wondered how ice cream was made, as it is my favorite food in the whole entire world. My freezer at home is always stocked with multiple gallons of ice cream. Some people in my family even eat ice cream for meals. Going a day without eating any is quite hard for me, and I don't like to do that if I can possibly avoid it. Since it is my favorite, I figured I'd end my blog posts learning how to make it.
This video on how to make ice cream was taken from:


Because every movie night needs it.

Gummy worms!

Not only are the gummy worms, but they're sour gummy worms!! These can be found at almost any grocery store. These ones were specifically found at Shaw's, which is very convenient because the one in Porter Square is 24 hours, and sometimes you need sour gummy worms at 1am. Shaw's is too expensive, especially since Wal-mart is way cheaper, but since there is no Wal-mart in Cambridge and Shaw's is open all night, it is the perfect place to get late night snacks.


The taste of Raspberry Lemonade is far too good to go unnoticed, even if this is a "food" blog. I had it for the first time at Uno's a few weeks ago, and it is pretty much my favorite drink now. It was so delicious that I had to immediately go out and buy some after, and I hate spending money on food and drinks since I can just use meal swipes for them at school. However, there was no way I was going to survive without Raspberry Lemonade now. Some brands that sell it are: Crystal Light, Wyler's Light, and Vita Splash. The kind at the restaurant was probably the best, however, as it was slushy, and the kind at the store is more liquidy.

So. Much. Pizza.

The amount of pizza I have eaten in the past 24 hours is kind of ridiculous. First, as seen in the above picture, a pizza from Harvard House of Pizza (which is AMAZING, reasonably priced, and located very close to campus) was ordered around 9pm. But then in the middle of the night, I was hanging out with a different group of people, and they wanted pizza too. So then two more pizzas were ordered at 4am. To some, this might be a little bit weird or unnecessary, but to us, it was completely normal.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Breakfast of (college kid) champs?

Since I can't be bothered to do pretty much anything in the morning... or afternoon for that matter... poptarts have helped me survive my year at school. Attempting to stomach White Hall eggs at 9am is just not my idea of a good day. Rushing to make any other food at 9am is just too stressful. For me, bringing a little snack to class with me, such as these wonderfully sprinkled blueberry poptarts, is a much less stressful and much more tasty way to start the day. Yeah, it gets rather old once I have this for breakfast every day of the week, but maybe next year I'll find some other options. For now, I'll continue to enjoy my sprinkley snack!

Um... Lesley food?

Thank you, Lesley University, for making my parents pay you thousands of dollars each year for me to eat this. Not that I actually ate this, but I thought I was going to until I saw it. "Charlie's", as the Student Center Cafe is called is a lot better than White Dining Hall, but that's not really saying much, especially when it comes to cheeseburgers. I'm usually a very hungry person, but I feel as though I lose my appetite a lot here. If there's one thing the school should improve on, it is probably the food. Kid's gotta eat some time! Even photoshop could not make this picture look any more appealing.

Gingerbread Houses!

Gingerbread houses are very fun looking. However, it looks a lot better than it tastes and looks a lot more fun than it actually is to make it. We thought it was going to be a fun thing to do with friends, but since I, as well as other people, am very bad at making things, it just turned out to be stressful and obnoxious. But, at least it looks festive in the end?! Perhaps this is a better activity for kids under 19 years old, there's just some things that aren't as exciting when you grow up.

Friday, May 7, 2010


So this is basically me, if I were a small little girl. Well, actually implant a picture of a fully grown man doing this and thats me (you will never have the pleasure of seeing that). Oreos are great with milk, everyone knows that, but they are also great with peanut butter. Of all the mass produced cookies, Oreos wins. Hands down. Disagree? Too bad. I bet if you did a poll 90% would prefer Oreos over dumb chips ahoy!


Forget Redbull. Ok don't forget Redbull, that is a pretty good one too.....but seriously MONSTER is amazing too. They come in a variety of flavors, however the best are Assault, the juice, or the original you see in this picture. While Powerful stuff, they are actually not as bad for you as one might think. Calories 100 and 27 sugars...about the same as any other soda.

Vitamin Water XXX (king of the vitamin waters)

Alright so I know what your thinking at this point. Why is this kid writing about beverages when the blog is about food and the truth is this blog helped me to discover a very important quality about myself. I am not as much of a food lover as I thought, in fact I am more of a DRINK lover. To take it to the next level, I will simply say, THIS IS THE BEST DRINK IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. If you have been hesitant to try flavored waters, don't be. This is it. Try it because words cannot express how good this drink makes you feel.

Ginger Ale

It doesn't really matter what brand of ginger ale it is, just ginger ale in general has an amazing effect on a upset stomach. At first I thought it was just because of the bubbles, since Sprite also feels great. Upon doing some research I found out that it is actually the ginger (I then remembered that I already knew this). The day after a long night of drinking or before getting on a plane flight there is no better way to appease your stomach then a nice cold glass of ginger ale. I think my preference though is Canada Dry, I don't know why though. I guess it's just the cool logo. Cheers!

Kinder Happy Hippo

Alright so I am embarrassed to be writing about these creations from Kinder, however besides there childish name, they are very impressive. My roommate forced me to fork over the 3 dollars for the 4 hippos in this pack, and I was very skeptical about how they would taste. Dip one of these bad boys in a glass of milk, and your expression will quickly change just like mine did. Even if you are not satisfied (which I am sure you would be) they make a great treat for kids as well.

Starbucks caramel frappuccino

The best drink at Starbucks hands down. If you like the flavor of caramel and you are looking for a cold drink that is going to kickstart your energy levels, look no further. This drink is crazy in so many different ways. First of all, it is one of the cheaper drinks because it is a frappuccino and on top of that they top it off with whipped cream! AHHHHH!!!! I want one now!


Apples are truly great fruits. Not only are they crunchy, juicy and full of nutritional vitamins, they are great for cleaning your teeth. I try almost every day to have one, because I know they will keep me alive for a long time. You know the saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," well I think the phrase should be extended to say "and also the dentist away." Well, thats what my dentist told me about apple's at least. Oranges were a close follow up for contention for this blog. Sorry orange.

Pork Lo Mein

Pork Lo Mein is a delicious chinese dish that I have been enjoying regularly for nearly 15 years. One aspect of my life that most people do not realize, is that I have 2 adopted sisters from China, and my step mother is asian. I also took chinese for 4 years in highschool and have been to China twice in my life already. For these reasons, I already have a strong background rooted in Chinese culture. Out of all my favorite Chinese foods that have been converted into Americanized styles, none is better than Pork Lo Mein. In this picture, you can clearly see why it is so appetizing.
Pizza. AMERICA's greatest food! just kidding, everyone knows its an italian food. I hope....however almost everyone can agree that pizza is a very delicious dish. Did you know that during superbowl weekend, Dominos sells about 3 million pizzas in the U.S.? THAT IS INSANE! Recently, my roommate and I purchased 2 giant pizza's from harvard house (one white cheddar and the other with everything on it). They were so good, that I was unfortunately unable to take a picture and upload it. :[

Ok, so clearly I have a bit of an obsession when it comes to drinking delicious fruity beverages. In this picture we have a beautiful blue slushy. Now for those of you who are not familiar with the proper etiquette of drinking one of these drinks, it involves first making sure that you are in the appropriate setting... you cant just drink one at a business meeting. However, when it is a bright sun shiny day, and you are having a good time, there is nothing better than a blue slush from Sonic.


Cereal is the breakfast choice that I would pick if someone came up to me and told me I could only eat one breakfast meal for the rest of my life. Yeah, thats how much I love cereal. In fact, I can guess that I have tried about 5/8 of every cereal in existence. However, of all the cereals out there my favorite are apple cinnamon, honey O's (as in the picture), cinnamon toast crunch, and lucky charms.


Since I used to work at Jamba Juice for a year, I naturally have a strange obsession with these delicious drinks. I can even give an insider perspective as to which drinks are the best. The Mango-a-go-go, substituting mango juice for fresh squeezed orange juice is amazing! If you like a tangy alternative the Aloha Pineapple or the Strawberry Surfrider are great. However, the true expert in me wishes to recommend the sugary delicious of the White Gummi, Pink Star, or the classic Peanut Butter Moo'd!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Boston Cream Pie

I have been doing research as to where one can find this illustrious treat, and so far I have come up empty handed. I love Boston Cream Pie yogurt, and since I have moved here I have really been searching hard to find the actual thing. The only place that I have been able to find good dessert that is close by is Finale's in Harvard sq. Does anyone know what to do?!

Stuffies, in my opinion are one of my favorite summer foods. They remind me of a time in my childhood, when I was at my aunts house shooting bottle rockets out of empty beer cans with my uncles. Swimming in my aunts pool, with the smell of steak and seafood filling my nose. Just some good ol' memories evoked by delicious, stuffed clams. A note of warning to those who enjoy stuffies; they are very filling! Enjoy with caution; do not eat too fast!

Deep fried Spring Rolls

My dad found our family's deep fryer in time to make spring rolls for my mom's birthday, so here is a picture of what was available. The ones shown here are the red bean ones, but there were also the traditional salty flavor available. However, by the time I got around to pictures they were gone, but, oh well, I prefer sugar anyhow!

Cheesecake From Scratch

Yup I figured out how to make cheescake from scratch. Unfortunately I had to use my blender instead of an electric mixer , but it still got great reception at my mom's birthday. As an afterthought I probably should have not cut it up, because the glaze fell apart, but overall not a bad first attempt. Now if only I could get Cheesecake Factory's recipe for their dark chocolate one....

Mayfair 2010

Last week I went down to see Mayfair in Harvard Square. I don't have video specifically of the food but here's an idea of the festive atmosphere. There were tons of stands with food from different areas of the world, Korea, Thailand, India, American festival fair....everything!

Monday, May 3, 2010

legal seafood

went to the legal seefood!
This place are very expensive; last time I visited was 1 year ago.
my sister came from Korea, so it was special day.
this food was very nice, but I think steamed-lobster is good, too.
this one was too greasy for me.

Korean Stew

way to eat korean stew is little bit different.

usually stew is cooked in the kitchen, but Korean way is different.

there is a gas burner on the table, so we can cook on the table.

actually, boiling is everything but we can feel like cooking something.

sushi? shushi!

sushi is always my favorite food, and it will not be change.
There is a problem to enjoy sushi every day, which is 'price'
since I eat a lot, it cost me a lot when I eat fully.
therefore, I usually use this 'all you can eat sushi' place!
take 77 bus from harvard, take off from 'medfore st'.
you'll see 'manna sushi' on your right.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Healthy dog food

Since so far the blog has been about healthy human food, I figured I put something in for dogs too.

The three key things to look for are:

-Meat as the first named ingredient

-No corn, wheat, preferably grain free

-No additives or fillers

One of the best brands that I've found is Orijen, pictured above. My dog even takes it for treats!

Bolocco bowls

Bolocco IMO has one of the freshest fast foods around. This week, as luck would have it, their rice and steak bowls were only five bucks. A great deal makes it even better!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Frozen Yogurt Bars

Summer's coming and what goes better with heat than frozen yogurt. These bars are really easy to make and can be stuck in the freezer until needed. It does take about four hours to freeze, but you don't have to watch em' like cookies in the oven. For the topping, you mix yogurt, preserves, and whipped cream. Then, you pour it over a base of crushed wafer cookies and almonds. How you want to mix and match flavors is completely up to you!

Handmade Chinese Dumplings

In lieu of BBQ footage, here are some handmade Chinese dumplings instead! (Not the same thing, I am aware). The key to successfully making these at home is creating a dough consistency that both cooks easily and doesn't rupture. I'm not quite sure how it's done, but the point is that they are delicious. The unwrapped dumplings can also be made into noodles, which are really good with meat dishes.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Another ice cream post... you can never have too much of it

Although cell phone cameras are not the clearest quality, they do come in handy for me when I go out to icecream and need to photograph my pretty dessert :) The physical appearance of this icecream is very appealing... who would've guessed icecream was so photogenic?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter! (for those who celebrate it)

Easter is my favorite holiday! 
  • Partly because it is close to my birthday, and partly because other people make me tons of desserts and I eat them. 
  • The bunny cake is made every year by my sister, Michelle, and is used as an Easter cake and a birthday cake for my family birthday party. It is made out of yellow cake, whipped cream, licorice, m&m's, and coconut. 
  • The chocolate egg is just one of the candies I got in my Easter basket. I guess even 18 year olds aren't too old for the Easter bunny to come! =D

Monday, April 5, 2010

This sinister omelette is not the exact one I ate this morning, but was certainly very close. Within 30 minutes of consumption, I was puking my brains out, courtesy of my roommates tendency to undercook foods on occasion. I am sorry I missed class yet again, but any mere mortal would be hard pressed to attend class with possible salmonella..

Wings are always good anytime!

This wings from 'Wings over somerville', my favorite wings place.

They have over 20 kinds of wings sauce, everythings are good!

Hamberger steak

Hamberger steak is better than regular hamberger!?
I dont know! but this one is really great.
There are four kinds of sauces, mine was regular one.
Dont forget the sunny side up egg when you order!
The egg makes an incredible change. Try it!
You'll see this restaurent in Porter Squre, in Lesley University building.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another fun way to "go out to dinner"

Sometimes fancy dinners at friends' houses are even more enjoyable than going out to eat at a restaurant (and less expensive). Not to mention it's a good excuse to get dressed up! The picture pretty much explains it all.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The things you can do with buttermilk....

Well this week was my dad's bday so I decided to go make him a cake from scratch. Surprisingly, it turned out pretty good, although reviews say I should add less coca next time. Unfortunately, that left me with the problem of 3/4 a bottle of buttermilk. So..what to do?

Buttermilk pancakes for breakfast of course! It's always nice to have a home cooked meal on a cold day like today. If you want great delicious bonafide AWESOME ones though, go to Vermont because they have maple syrup to match. There's no specific place I recommend but if you're up there drive around and go to one a local place. Guaranteed you won't regret it!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Burritos are the most delicious food in the world. Not only are they filling and packed with various healthy foods, but they are fast to make as well... Lately, I have begun experimenting with ways to make the best burrito in the world, but unfortunately my burrito skill levels are far beneath that of Boca Grande or Felipes....

Burrito = Life

the End

Hot and Cold

Best Dessert: Icecream

  • Who would've guessed that a $1 sundae from McDonald's would look this good?
  • For such a low price and probably low-quality ingredients, sundaes from McDonald's are surprisingly amazing.
  • The sundae came with vanilla icecream, nuts, and hot fudge (which is oddly one of the best kinds of hot fudge I have ever had), while the Reese's peanut butter cups were added by my friend and I.

(Me and my friend Sarah enjoying our sundaes during the past summer.)

shabu shabu

shabu shabu is hot soup food.
there is a hot pot in the middle of the table, and you put a raw material in the pot.

Its not cold anymore, but I still like to go shabu shabu places, that make my body warm.
There are many shabu places at downtown, and there are two at allstone.
you may also go to the china town.

My favorite place is 'Shabu Zen'; there is one at allston, and one at downtown.

Spencer - 4th